Duration: Average students complete course in 12 weeks
Access to Tutorials & Materials: 12 months
Student commitment required to complete in 12 weeks: Tutorials, practice tasks, group activities & research
Desirable: 192 hours total averaging on 6 hours per week
Essential: 42 hours total averaging 3.5 hours per week
In this photo restoration course, you will learn how to restore photos using a freeware software called GIMP. I created this course for keen individuals who have little or no understanding of neither GIMP nor photo restoration, but wish to play an active part in the restoration of their own photos.
With that in mind we are going to start from the basics, and steadily work on each skill to gradually increase your confidence and competence one photo at a time! Although not extremely difficult, photo restoration requires a high degree of concentration, patience and of course practice!!
The way the course is constructed allows you to skip or fast track the first Module – GIMP – the basics, if you are already familiar with the software, so you can move on and start with the restoration tutorials straight away.
Each module is made up of several short units, each accompanied by a video, notes and practice exercises.
omplementing this course, we also have the Facebook Learning Group, ONLY for enrolled students, where you will be able to share your work, give and receive feedback and support from others, and keep motivated. I will also moderate the group and be on hand to answer questions.
By the end of this course, you will be comfortable with the tools used in GIMP to restore images and you will also have a clear understanding on how to correct and fix your own images, and a basic understanding of photo colourisation.
Hardware requirements
Desktop or Laptop Computer
- Mouse (if using a laptop I strongly recommend the use of a desktop mouse! Your fingers will thank you!)
- Scanner or Smartphone
Pc Technical requirements
- Pentium IV or faster processor
- Minimum 256 MB of RAM
- Downloaded and installed GIMP